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Developing influential leaders & dynamic teams

Empowering Every Ripple:

Be the Catalyst for Tomorrow's Change

Pillars of Service

Team Leadership Solutions is grounded in three foundational pillars, each uniquely tailored to foster growth, inclusivity, and actionable leadership. Leveraging the Ripple Roadmap, we're here to provide an immersive and tailored leadership evolution, addressing challenges today for a brighter, collaborative tomorrow. 


Our journey together starts with the individual. 


  • 1:1 Leadership Development: Designed to boost confidence, sharpen problem-solving skills, and cultivate a leadership mindset.  Based on your strengths assessment, this tailored strategy ensures that every leader maximizes their potential. 

  • Ripple Roadmap Certification: Accessible to all, this program offers two distinct paths designed to meet you where you are on your leadership journey, ensuring a structured growth path toward achieving your goals. 


Your leadership ripple started with a personal transformation


We understand that every organization is unique, and so are its challenges.


  • Customized Team Training:  Whether you're a smaller organization preferring shorter, periodic sessions or a larger entity seeking condensed training intensives, we adapt the Ripple Roadmap training to align with your needs, ensuring relevance and actionable insights 

  • Scenario-Based Training: Elevate your team's effectiveness beyond conventional methods with our immersive scenario-based training. Tailored to your organization's unique context, we explore actual situations, challenges, and experiences your team faces.


Unified teams create ripples that transform organizations.


We believe in walking beside you every step of the way.


  • Organizational Strategy Design: Starting with a detailed strengths assessment, then we collaboratively identify your organization's unique challenges and gaps. We then craft a coaching and training strategy tailored to your specific needs.

  • Coach-on-Call: An exclusive service for organizations that ensures continuous growth. This retainer-based service offers flexible 1:1 or group coaching and training sessions, ensuring sustained leadership development.


Together, we strategize and implement transformative ripples of change.

the power of team...

Have you ever felt the energy of a perfectly synchronized team? 


Let's make that your daily experience...

Photograph of Kelly Featherinham and her book Maximizing Team Performance by Mastering Your ABCs

Navigate Your Leadership Journey with Our Essential Resources

Introducing two pivotal resources designed to navigate your leadership journey through the transformative Ripple Roadmap principles.

While each book stands powerfully on its own, together, they complement and deepen the learning experience of our training programs, guiding you through a reflective and actionable journey toward impactful, ripple-creating leadership.

picture of the #1 best selling What's Your Ripple Effect? book

What's Your Ripple Effect?

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Image of the Ripple Impact Journal

Ripple Impact Journal

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